GET api/Tickets/GetTicket/{id}?plainTextOnly={plainTextOnly}
Gets Ticket's details.
Request Information
URI Parameters
Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
id |
Id or TicketREF of the Ticket. |
string |
Required |
plainTextOnly |
(Optional, default is false) Returns messages only in plain text format (without HTML tags). |
boolean |
Default value is False |
Body Parameters
Response Information
Resource Description
GetTicketResultName | Description | Type | Additional information |
TicketId |
The unique identifier of the Ticket |
integer |
None. |
TicketREF |
The reference ID of the Ticket (e.g. REQ-000001) |
string |
None. |
TicketType |
The type of the Ticket |
TicketTypeEnum |
None. |
Subject |
The Subject |
string |
None. |
CreatedUTC |
The creation time of the Ticket in UTC |
date |
None. |
Closed |
True if the Ticket has been closed (is in the final workflow state) |
boolean |
None. |
ClosedUTC |
The closed time of the Ticket in UTC |
date |
None. |
SubmitterKey |
The user key of the requester |
string |
None. |
SubmitterFullName |
The fullname of the requestor (submitter) |
string |
None. |
SubmitterCompany |
The company of the requestor (submitter) |
integer |
None. |
SolverKey |
User Id of ticket's solver, could be null if no solver is assigned |
string |
None. |
SolverFullName |
The fullname of the operator (solver), if any |
string |
None. |
TicketState |
The actual workflow state of the Ticket specific to the type of the Ticket (TIC, INC, REQ, ...) |
TicketStateEnum |
None. |
TicketSummaryState |
The simplified Ticket's state across all ticket types |
TicketSummaryStateEnum |
None. |
Source |
The source of the Ticket |
TicketSourceEnum |
None. |
TicketUserSourceId |
The user source of the Ticket |
integer |
None. |
ServiceId |
The service Id of the Ticket, if any |
integer |
None. |
ServiceName |
The service name of the Ticket, if any |
string |
None. |
ResolutionText |
The resolution text |
string |
None. |
IsPrivateMessageSupported |
True if the submitter is not an operator - it makes sense to add private message for operators |
boolean |
None. |
AvailableTicketActions |
Available workflow actions (for the logged in user) except "dialog" actions - those which needs some extra parameter |
Collection of TicketActionEnum |
None. |
AllAvailableTicketActions |
All available workflow actions (for the logged in user) including "dialog" actions |
Collection of AvailableTicketAction |
None. |
UserMessages |
The list of messages in the Ticket |
Collection of TicketUserMessage |
None. |
CustomForms |
Specific data forms |
Collection of CustomFormData |
None. |
Priorities |
The list of priorites in Ticket |
Collection of PriorityData |
None. |
VotesCount |
Number of votes in the Ticket |
integer |
None. |
UserVote |
True if the user has voted |
boolean |
None. |
CustomerName |
The customer name of the Ticket, if any |
string |
None. |
CustomerId |
The customer Id of the Ticket, if any |
integer |
None. |
SelectedCategories |
The selected category/categories in the Ticket. More precisely these are the selected category items from their categories. |
Collection of CategoryData |
None. |
Slas |
The list of SLAs (Service Level Agreements) for the Ticket |
Collection of Sla |
None. |
LastActivityDateUTC |
Last update time in the Ticket, like changing state, solver, and some other predefined actions. |
date |
None. |
Invitations |
Invitations in the Ticket. Who invited whom. |
Collection of InvitationData |
None. |
Satisfactions |
The list of Satisfactions for the Ticket. |
Collection of SatisfactionData |
None. |
TicketRelations |
The related tickets of the Ticket |
Collection of TicketRelationData |
None. |
Notes |
The list of Notes for the Ticket |
Collection of NotesData |
None. |
Tags |
The list of Tags for the Ticket. |
Collection of TagData |
None. |
ProductItems |
The list of product items for the Ticket. |
Collection of ProductItemData |
None. |
ServiceMailboxId |
The service mailbox Id if the ticket was created from an email. |
integer |
None. |
Response Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "TicketId": 1, "TicketREF": "INC-000047", "TicketType": 2, "Subject": "My Mac is very slow", "CreatedUTC": "2025-02-04T10:00:37.8722869Z", "Closed": false, "ClosedUTC": null, "SubmitterKey": "c0f3d493-8b46-4700-8db2-69b7b149cf32", "SubmitterFullName": "Jane Doe", "SubmitterCompany": null, "SolverKey": "78c5d9e9-6f60-40d4-accc-3095bae25534", "SolverFullName": "Handyman", "TicketState": 206, "TicketSummaryState": 4, "Source": 2, "TicketUserSourceId": 0, "ServiceId": 2, "ServiceName": "IT Support", "ResolutionText": null, "IsPrivateMessageSupported": false, "AvailableTicketActions": [ 210, 211 ], "AllAvailableTicketActions": [ { "TicketAction": 210, "ExtraParameterIsNeeded": false, "ConfirmationRecomended": false }, { "TicketAction": 211, "ExtraParameterIsNeeded": false, "ConfirmationRecomended": false } ], "UserMessages": [ { "Id": 5245, "CreatedUTC": "2025-02-05T02:00:37.8722869Z", "FirstMessage": true, "UserFullName": "Jane Doe", "UserProviderKey": "d8ed2460-d83e-44e5-869f-df2060567076", "UserNoteBesideName": "secretary director", "Html": false, "Body": "I am not even able to open some Excel documents within 5 minutes.", "Edited": false, "EditedTimeUTC": null, "BodyOriginal": null, "BodyHtmlOriginal": null, "Deleted": false, "Private": false, "IsMobileDevice": false, "Attachments": null, "HtmlBodyContainsMedia": false, "CanEdit": true, "CanDelete": true, "CanSplit": false, "User": null } ], "CustomForms": null, "Priorities": null, "VotesCount": 0, "UserVote": false, "CustomerName": null, "CustomerId": null, "SelectedCategories": null, "Slas": [ { "Id": 3, "Name": "My SLA", "Description": null, "SlaType": 2, "Counters": [ { "Active": false, "HistoryIndex": 0, "IsLastIndex": true, "StartUtc": "2025-02-04T23:51:37.8722869Z", "EndUtc": "2025-02-05T00:03:37.8722869Z", "SlaGoalTimeOut": "01:00:00", "TimeLeft": "00:48:00", "Satisfied": true, "TicketSlaState": 3 } ] } ], "LastActivityDateUTC": "2025-02-05T01:39:16.2722869Z", "Invitations": [ { "InitiatorUserProviderKey": "5b21012c-cc94-4f7f-8ac4-5ad7b865dbdf", "InitiatorFullName": "Manager", "InvitedUserProviderKey": "a05d1c6c-30dc-4be3-9316-7cf41f4aa53b", "InvitedFullName": "Some other guy", "CreatedUtc": "2025-02-04T19:40:39.0722869Z" } ], "Satisfactions": null, "TicketRelations": null, "Notes": null, "Tags": [ { "Id": 1, "Name": "Sample tag", "Static": true, "Color": "#ffffff", "Type": 1 }, { "Id": 2, "Name": "Sample 2", "Static": true, "Color": "#fafafa", "Type": 1 } ], "ProductItems": null, "ServiceMailboxId": null }
application/xml, text/xml
<GetTicketResult xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <AllAvailableTicketActions> <GetTicketResult.AvailableTicketAction> <ConfirmationRecomended>false</ConfirmationRecomended> <ExtraParameterIsNeeded>false</ExtraParameterIsNeeded> <TicketAction>IncidentConfirmCompletion</TicketAction> </GetTicketResult.AvailableTicketAction> <GetTicketResult.AvailableTicketAction> <ConfirmationRecomended>false</ConfirmationRecomended> <ExtraParameterIsNeeded>false</ExtraParameterIsNeeded> <TicketAction>IncidentFinishSolution</TicketAction> </GetTicketResult.AvailableTicketAction> </AllAvailableTicketActions> <AvailableTicketActions xmlns:d2p1=""> <d2p1:TicketActionEnum>IncidentConfirmCompletion</d2p1:TicketActionEnum> <d2p1:TicketActionEnum>IncidentFinishSolution</d2p1:TicketActionEnum> </AvailableTicketActions> <Closed>false</Closed> <ClosedUTC i:nil="true" /> <CreatedUTC>2025-02-04T10:00:37.8722869Z</CreatedUTC> <CustomForms i:nil="true" /> <CustomerId i:nil="true" /> <CustomerName i:nil="true" /> <Invitations xmlns:d2p1=""> <d2p1:InvitationData> <d2p1:CreatedUtc>2025-02-04T19:40:39.0722869Z</d2p1:CreatedUtc> <d2p1:InitiatorFullName>Manager</d2p1:InitiatorFullName> <d2p1:InitiatorUserProviderKey>5b21012c-cc94-4f7f-8ac4-5ad7b865dbdf</d2p1:InitiatorUserProviderKey> <d2p1:InvitedFullName>Some other guy</d2p1:InvitedFullName> <d2p1:InvitedUserProviderKey>a05d1c6c-30dc-4be3-9316-7cf41f4aa53b</d2p1:InvitedUserProviderKey> </d2p1:InvitationData> </Invitations> <IsPrivateMessageSupported>false</IsPrivateMessageSupported> <LastActivityDateUTC>2025-02-05T01:39:16.2722869Z</LastActivityDateUTC> <Notes xmlns:d2p1="" i:nil="true" /> <Priorities i:nil="true" /> <ProductItems xmlns:d2p1="" i:nil="true" /> <ResolutionText i:nil="true" /> <Satisfactions xmlns:d2p1="" i:nil="true" /> <SelectedCategories xmlns:d2p1="" i:nil="true" /> <ServiceId>2</ServiceId> <ServiceMailboxId i:nil="true" /> <ServiceName>IT Support</ServiceName> <Slas> <GetTicketResult.Sla> <Counters> <GetTicketResult.Sla.Counter> <Active>false</Active> <EndUtc>2025-02-05T00:03:37.8722869Z</EndUtc> <HistoryIndex>0</HistoryIndex> <IsLastIndex>true</IsLastIndex> <Satisfied>true</Satisfied> <SlaGoalTimeOut>PT1H</SlaGoalTimeOut> <StartUtc>2025-02-04T23:51:37.8722869Z</StartUtc> <TicketSlaState>Finished</TicketSlaState> <TimeLeft>PT48M</TimeLeft> </GetTicketResult.Sla.Counter> </Counters> <Description i:nil="true" /> <Id>3</Id> <Name>My SLA</Name> <SlaType>ResolutionTime</SlaType> </GetTicketResult.Sla> </Slas> <SolverFullName>Handyman</SolverFullName> <SolverKey>78c5d9e9-6f60-40d4-accc-3095bae25534</SolverKey> <Source>Email</Source> <Subject>My Mac is very slow</Subject> <SubmitterCompany i:nil="true" /> <SubmitterFullName>Jane Doe</SubmitterFullName> <SubmitterKey>c0f3d493-8b46-4700-8db2-69b7b149cf32</SubmitterKey> <Tags xmlns:d2p1=""> <d2p1:TagData> <d2p1:Color>#ffffff</d2p1:Color> <d2p1:Id>1</d2p1:Id> <d2p1:Name>Sample tag</d2p1:Name> <d2p1:Static>true</d2p1:Static> <d2p1:Type>Ticket</d2p1:Type> </d2p1:TagData> <d2p1:TagData> <d2p1:Color>#fafafa</d2p1:Color> <d2p1:Id>2</d2p1:Id> <d2p1:Name>Sample 2</d2p1:Name> <d2p1:Static>true</d2p1:Static> <d2p1:Type>Ticket</d2p1:Type> </d2p1:TagData> </Tags> <TicketId>1</TicketId> <TicketREF>INC-000047</TicketREF> <TicketRelations xmlns:d2p1="" i:nil="true" /> <TicketState>IncidentSuspended</TicketState> <TicketSummaryState>WaitingForSubmitterResponse</TicketSummaryState> <TicketType>Incident</TicketType> <TicketUserSourceId>0</TicketUserSourceId> <UserMessages> <GetTicketResult.TicketUserMessage> <Attachments i:nil="true" /> <Body>I am not even able to open some Excel documents within 5 minutes.</Body> <BodyHtmlOriginal i:nil="true" /> <BodyOriginal i:nil="true" /> <CanDelete>true</CanDelete> <CanEdit>true</CanEdit> <CanSplit>false</CanSplit> <CreatedUTC>2025-02-05T02:00:37.8722869Z</CreatedUTC> <Deleted>false</Deleted> <Edited>false</Edited> <EditedTimeUTC i:nil="true" /> <FirstMessage>true</FirstMessage> <Html>false</Html> <HtmlBodyContainsMedia>false</HtmlBodyContainsMedia> <Id>5245</Id> <IsMobileDevice>false</IsMobileDevice> <Private>false</Private> <User i:nil="true" /> <UserFullName>Jane Doe</UserFullName> <UserNoteBesideName>secretary director</UserNoteBesideName> <UserProviderKey>d8ed2460-d83e-44e5-869f-df2060567076</UserProviderKey> </GetTicketResult.TicketUserMessage> </UserMessages> <UserVote>false</UserVote> <VotesCount>0</VotesCount> </GetTicketResult>