POST api/Account/CreateRequestorUser
Creates a new user account by administrator.
Request Information
URI Parameters
Body Parameters
CreateRequestorUserPostName | Description | Type | Additional information |
UserName |
Username, login. It cannot be changed later |
string |
None. |
User's email. Recommended so the user can receive email notifications |
string |
None. |
Password |
(Optional) Password has to meet password policy (minimum length, non alphabetical characters). If the password is empty, it will be generated. |
string |
None. |
RoleEndUser |
Set true if the user has the EndUser role |
boolean |
None. |
RoleSmartUser |
Set true if the user has the SmartUser role |
boolean |
None. |
RoleOperator |
Set true if the user has the Operator role |
boolean |
None. |
RoleSuperOperator |
Set true if the user has the SuperOperator role |
boolean |
None. |
RoleAdministrator |
Set true if the user has the Administrator role |
boolean |
None. |
CustomerId |
(Optional) Default Customer ID |
integer |
None. |
CustomerIds |
(Optional) All Customer IDs. Use either CustomerIds or CustomerNames to add user into the customers. |
Collection of integer |
None. |
InternalGroupIds |
(Optional) Internal Group IDs |
Collection of integer |
None. |
OperatorGroupIds |
(Optional) Operator Group IDs |
Collection of integer |
None. |
Language |
(Optional) Language. If not set, the default RQ language is used. |
LanguageEnum |
None. |
FirstName |
(Optional) Firstname |
string |
None. |
LastName |
(Optional) Lastname |
string |
None. |
MiddleName |
(Optional) Middlename |
string |
None. |
DisplayName |
(Optional) The name the user wants to display (like nick name). |
string |
None. |
Phone |
(Optional) Phone |
string |
None. |
TimeZoneId |
(Optional) The time zone identifier (TimeZoneInfo.Id Property). If not set, the default RQ TimeZone is used. |
string |
None. |
ChangePasswordAfterLogging |
Set true if the user must change his password after the first logging. |
boolean |
None. |
AdditionalInformation |
(Optional) Additional information about the user. |
string |
None. |
CustomFields |
The Custom Fields data. |
Collection of UserCustomFieldData |
None. |
Phones |
(Optional) Phones |
Collection of string |
None. |
CustomerNames |
(Optional) All Customer names. Default Customer is the first item. Use either CustomerIds or CustomerNames to add user into the customers. |
Collection of string |
None. |
Request Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "UserName": "john.doe", "Email": "", "Password": "His_Password", "RoleEndUser": true, "RoleSmartUser": false, "RoleOperator": false, "RoleSuperOperator": false, "RoleAdministrator": false, "CustomerId": null, "CustomerIds": null, "InternalGroupIds": null, "OperatorGroupIds": null, "Language": null, "FirstName": "John", "LastName": "Doe", "MiddleName": null, "DisplayName": "John Doe", "Phone": "+420 123 456 789", "TimeZoneId": null, "ChangePasswordAfterLogging": false, "AdditionalInformation": "Everything else", "CustomFields": null, "Phones": null, "CustomerNames": null }
application/xml, text/xml
<CreateRequestorUserPost xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <AdditionalInformation>Everything else</AdditionalInformation> <ChangePasswordAfterLogging>false</ChangePasswordAfterLogging> <CustomFields xmlns:d2p1="" i:nil="true" /> <CustomerId i:nil="true" /> <CustomerIds xmlns:d2p1="" i:nil="true" /> <CustomerNames xmlns:d2p1="" i:nil="true" /> <DisplayName>John Doe</DisplayName> <Email></Email> <FirstName>John</FirstName> <InternalGroupIds xmlns:d2p1="" i:nil="true" /> <Language i:nil="true" /> <LastName>Doe</LastName> <MiddleName i:nil="true" /> <OperatorGroupIds xmlns:d2p1="" i:nil="true" /> <Password>His_Password</Password> <Phone>+420 123 456 789</Phone> <Phones xmlns:d2p1="" i:nil="true" /> <RoleAdministrator>false</RoleAdministrator> <RoleEndUser>true</RoleEndUser> <RoleOperator>false</RoleOperator> <RoleSmartUser>false</RoleSmartUser> <RoleSuperOperator>false</RoleSuperOperator> <TimeZoneId i:nil="true" /> <UserName>john.doe</UserName> </CreateRequestorUserPost>
Response Information
Resource Description
HttpStatusCode 200 OK with user id (UserProviderKey) or 400 BadRequest with Message.
CreateRequestorUserResultName | Description | Type | Additional information |
UserProviderKey |
User Id |
string |
None. |
LastUpdatedUtc |
Last update time of the User entity. Actually it is the user creation server time. |
date |
None. |
Response Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "UserProviderKey": "34609646-d9ca-4ec6-a79b-875dde4de83a", "LastUpdatedUtc": null }
application/xml, text/xml
<CreateRequestorUserResult xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <LastUpdatedUtc i:nil="true" /> <UserProviderKey>34609646-d9ca-4ec6-a79b-875dde4de83a</UserProviderKey> </CreateRequestorUserResult>